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Patent and Trademark Attorneys Poland




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We share knowledge on intellectual property issues

Patent attorney Poland

The office of JWP Patent & Trademark Attorneys in Warsaw is the headquarters of the JWP group. Our firm is one of the largest law firms in Poland specialising in the protection of industrial and intellectual property rights. We help clients from Poland and other countries, and our services meet the full range of needs of companies, individual creators, universities, and research institutes. Our services cover all legal activities related to the protection of intangible assets: from the registration of trademarks and industrial designs, through utility models and patents for crucial economic sectors (such as pharmaceuticals, IT, mechanics, biotechnology, gaming, food industry, e-commerce, and others), to copyright law or litigation before courts and authorities. For over thirty years, patent, and trademark attorneys at JWP have been advising clients by listening to their specific needs and creating coherent, complementary strategies covering all desirable and useful legal protection tools.

Patent and trademark attorney

JWP is a place heavily focused on narrow specialisation. We firmly believe that by providing high-quality services in such a complex field as industrial property law, we can offer the best help for our clients. We have divided our team of patent attorneys and specialists into two divisions, the first specialising in mechanics and electronics, and the second in biotechnology, chemistry, and pharmaceuticals. We usually start patent consultancy with a free online or telephone consultation, during which our patent agent, based on basic information about the client’s case, presents options for support and terms of cooperation.

Polish lawyer

The patent attorneys’ office is a unique place where outstanding specialists advise on legal, technical, and business issues. Experts dealing with industrial designs, utility models or trademarks work closely with patent attorneys. As a result, the patent and legal services provided cover a broad spectrum, which undoubtedly translates into great benefits for the clients of JWP. Only highly qualified patent and trademark attorneys as well as diverse, complementary teams can provide solid and complete protection for business and academia.

IP lawyer Poland

Patent protection is one of the most compelling and important issues in terms of economic and social development. However, for patented solutions to contribute to growth and meet the needs of their users, they must be commercialised. For this reason, JWP offers a wider range of services than simply obtaining protection for an invention. Our clients can also count on the support of lawyers and attorneys in areas such as trademark, industrial design and utility model protection, copyright protection, counteracting unfair competition or litigation.

Law firm in Poland

The legal protection of a patent has undergone a major revolution in recent history. It has gone from being merely a certificate or token that one could be proud of during the communist era to a legal instrument that enables people to draw real profits. We are now facing a further challenge, which is the change to the patent system in most countries of the European Union (patent with unitary effect and the Unified Patent Court). The entry into force of the new system brings many benefits but also risks for rights holders. It has become necessary for business today to work with a European patent attorney. The patent office JWP brings together such specialists.

Polish trademark office

Experts working in the Warsaw office include legal practitioners, intellectual property lawyers, as well as several patent attorneys with a technical background. Lawyers and attorneys provide our clients with well-structured contracts and provide security in case of litigious situations. Patent attorney teams advise on inventions and obtaining patents, not only on the merits but also with their extensive business experience, on the commercialisation of patented solutions. Intellectual property lawyers will help construct a trademark or design application that secures the maximum scope of rights. They also share their knowledge of best practices against unfair competition.

European patent attorney

The development of an invention is always a great achievement that deserves to be honoured and rewarded by putting the newly developed solution into production on the largest scale. It was for these purposes that the patent system, which has been operating successfully for many years, was established. To obtain a patent, an invention must meet certain conditions, such as being new (previously unknown), having the so-called inventive step (the solution cannot be obvious to an expert in the field) and being industrially applicable (possible to implement on a large scale). An invention that meets all these requirements is worth patenting, as this gives you exclusive rights to financially profit from your solution. Such protection usually lasts up to twenty years, and in some cases (such as medicines or plant protection products), it is possible to apply for an extension of the monopoly for an additional five years. Such an addition is called a ‘Supplementary Protection Certificate’ (SPC). After the expiry of the protection period or, for example, because of the deliberate or accidental non-payment of the official fee during the protection period, all inventions enter the public domain. As a result, they can be used in industry on a large scale for the common welfare.

Patent attorney europe

In Warsaw, the largest city in Poland, it is relatively easy to find a patent attorney, even though there are few patent attorneys in the country. According to the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys, there are only 898 patent attorneys in Poland, of which only about 70% are professionally active. When looking for an expert in this specialisation, it is best to turn to a law firm with many years of experience and a wide range of services. The profession of patent attorney is, on the one hand, interdisciplinary and, on the other hand, requires strict specialisation. The most valuable knowledge and the best support will be provided by a team consisting of people with diverse education and experience. A law firm operating in Warsaw for over 30 years, specialising in intellectual property law and bringing together patent attorneys and lawyers is JWP Patent & Trademark Attorneys.


JWP Patent & Trademark Attorneys
ul. Mińska 75
03-828 Warsaw
P: 22 436 05 07

VAT: PL5260111868
Court Register No: 0000717985


JWP Patent & Trademark Attorneys
HAXO Building
ul. Strzelecka 7B
80-803 Gdańsk
P: +48 58 511 05 00


JWP Rzecznicy Patentowi
ul. Kamieńskiego 47
30-644 Kraków
P: +48 12 655 55 59


JWP Rzecznicy Patentowi
WPT Bud. Alfa
ul. Klecińska 123
54-413 Wrocław
T: +4871 342 50 53