What does a strategy of protecting intellectual property rights look like?

This strategy encompasses all of the company’s activities aimed at protecting its intellectual property. An appropriately constructed industrial property rights protection strategy in an enterprise supports the company’s development and facilitates achieving its business goals. The choice of strategy depends on several factors: the sector in which the company operates, the market competition, and the amount of intellectual property goods it owns. A lot depends on the competitive situation and the company’s plans regarding such subjects as product life (e.g. seasonal or non-seasonal), whether the company intends to invest in it, whether it has the potential to become a market leader, or whether it is a niche product. Plans for expansion into foreign markets are also important, e.g. whether the product will only be offered in Poland or in other EU countries, or perhaps in other countries from outside the EU.

Most often, however, we observe three types of approach adopted by entrepreneurs: active, defensive, and passive.


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