Effective proceeding before EPO – news and tips from practitioners – 27 October 2020

27 October 2020

Effective proceeding before EPO – news and tips from practitioners

Webinar recorded on 27th October 2020

This webinar is dedicated to non-European practitioners from Asia and Australia having interest in patenting in Europe.  Our speakers share their experience from their daily patent practice relating to European filing and prosecution.
The experts focus on the aspects that facilitate proceedings before the European Patent Office and make patenting
in Europe more effective in terms of time and costs. They also discuss recent changes to regulations and procedures that have been introduced in connection with the pandemic.

The following questions will be answered during the webinar:

  • What do the statistics tell us about patenting in Europe?
  • How to reduce costs and speed up proceedings before the EPO?
  • What are the new pandemic and non-pandemic EPO regulations? How do they affect the proceedings?

Mr. Piotr Godlewski, European Patent Attorney, Partner, Head of Patent Department
Ms. Paulina Młynarska, IP Specialist, European and National  Patent Attorney Trainee

The recorded webinar is available on YouTube

Our experts will be also happy to talk to you online. Make an appointment with our experts for an individual online meeting. Click HERE to pick a date.


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