In the late 1980s, with the development of computer technology, programs began to be developed to assist translators in their work. The former enabled the latter to work faster, deliver…
The world is no longer on the verge of a digital revolution – it is underway. Increasingly, we no longer hear about AI itself, but its updates. Since its development,…
Although we are only halfway through the year, we can already say with certainty that 2023 belongs to artificial intelligence. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is firing up the imagination of people…
“It is sometimes said that there is no task more complex than translation.”—The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Conveying the ideas contained in the text written in one language using the…
The concept of machine translation (MT) was conceived in 1947 by Warren Weaver, an American cryptographer who, in a letter to Norbert Wiener, called the father of cybernetics, first mentioned…